Our services are acquired quarterly or on an individual project basis. As the owners, we are extremely hands on and responsible for every detail. With the assistance of our dedicated staff and vast network of relationships, and established rapport we get the project completed in a timely manner without compromising the integrity of all parties involved.
"Sometimes it is not enough that we do our best; we must do what is required" -Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

We connect individuals thru mid-size companies looking for seed money or additional finances to expand their businesses, with financial institutions, investment firms and select individuals sharing mutual interest and looking to expand their portfolio.

Understanding the impact and heroism associated with sports we have nurtured those relationships with numerous professional athletes of the NFL, NBA and MLB Arenas to bridge the cultural gap and offer an relatable and embracing presentation in the business and corporate fields.

We use credible analytics to create a strategy that isolates the variables that allows your company's product/service not only to reach the target demographic but yield effective results.

Booking studio time, producing records for major recording artist, acquiring independent / Professional Recording Contracts, shooting videos, filming pilots for shows on national television networks and full feature films Courtside has the proven track record to get things done for your company.

We work with Arenas, Clubs, Promoters, Artist, Authors and Public Speakers collectively to provide its audience with Grade A entertainment locally, extending to the most remote regions in the world, We get last minute tickets to your favorite event, rent a Bently, Lamborghini, Mansion in the Hamptons or even chartering your own plane we put you front row and center, right in the drivers seat.